Chimney Sweeping

Sweeping your chimney is an essential part of the cleaning and maintenance routine that keeps your fire or stove burning safely. We have been providing this service for many years, and are local experts in flue and chimney health.

What is the procedure?

  • When you get professionals to take care of your chimney you will get a fast, safe, efficient service that is also approved by insurers.
  • At 1st Choice we make sure we are clean – we rarely make a mess, unless there are complications such as a birds’ nest blockage – and thorough every time.
  • We use brushes to manually remove soot and creosote from the inside of the flue, and other areas inside, where deposits are likely to have collected.
  • Most jobs take about an hour, and will be followed by a smoke test to ensure the chimney has been left clear.

How often should my chimney be swept?

You will need our services between one and four times a year. The frequency depends on whether you have an open fire or a stove, the fuel you burn, and your particular set up.

If your set-up is prone to creosote build-up – usually associated with wood burning, and linked with an increased risk of fire – you will need to invest in a more regular clean.

Care and Repair

During a sweeping we will usually be happy to discuss the overall condition with you – years in the business and professional development mean we are experts in keeping chimneys working effectively.

Find out more

For an accurate assessment or more information on any aspect of cleaning, simply phone us today.